All Members are personally responsible for ensuring that they are “financial” Members i.e. they have completed the applicable annual membership form(s) and paid annual Club membership fees. Completion of forms and payment of fees provides members and the Club with personal injury and public liability insurance cover whilst Members are involved in surf lifesaving “activities”. Such activities include training and competition. Members will not be permitted to train with Club coaches or compete for the Club unless “financial”.
All members wishing to compete are further responsible for ensuring that they have paid the Competition Levy. The Competition Levy must be paid in full prior to any member being entered in any competition events.
In order to compete, each competitor must meet the specific requirements set out by SLSA.
All Bronze Medallion holders must complete an annual proficiency (requal) by 31 December of each year;
All Surf Rescue Certificate holders, must complete an annual proficiency (requal) by 31 December each year;
All Cadet, Junior Active, Active competitors (ie U15 to Opens & Masters) must have completed 25 hours of regular patrol duties for each calendar year.
All Reserve Active competitors must have completed 12 hours of regular patrol duties for each calendar year.
If a Member is unable to attend regular rostered patrols, due to work, education or other commitments, they may apply in writing to the Board of Directors for static membership. Those Members will still be required to meet the SLSA patrol hour requirements for competition.
Competitors who have not applied for static status, and who simply do not show up for patrols and make up their hours when it suits them, may find themselves unable to compete as per SLSA guidelines.