FEES FOR 2024/25
Please Note –
Only financial Active, Long Service, Active Reserve, Honorary Life Members and Award Members are entitled to vote at any General Meeting. Associate Members cannot vote except if they have had seven (7) years active service. Community Members are entitled to 10% off food and beverages but receive no access to any other club facility.
Nominations for office bearers must be received by the Director of Administration, Katy Allen, 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This can be done via the office email office@avocabeachslsc.asn.au
If no nominations are received 30 days prior the Chairperson may call for nominations from the floor.
Membership types
Junior Activity Member
Shall be a person who shall be a minimum age of five (5) years up to a maximum age of thirteen (13) years and such person shall be required to gain the relevant Surf Education Certificate for that person's age group.
Cadet Member (13-15yrs)
Shall be a Member of the age qualification as defined in SLSA's Manuals (ie under 15) and, who has obtained the Surf Rescue Certificate or has passed an annual proficiency test.
Inclusive/Adaptive Program Participant
Shall be a Member aged 5-99 years enrolled in a program which has adapted the curriculum to the needs of the participants.
Active Patrol 18+ and 15-18yrs
Shall be a Bronze Medallion holder and i. Fulfil patrol and Club obligations, as provided by SLSA and the Member's Club constitution. Qualify in an annual proficiency test unless the Member has obtained their Bronze Medallion in that season.
Reserve Active
May be granted by a Club to Active Patrol Members who have satisfactorily completed (from the gaining of the Bronze Medallion) at least eight (8) years of patrol and Club obligations as provided by SLSA and Club constitution. Reserve Active Membership shall not be automatic but shall be granted by resolution of the appropriate club body. Reserve Active Members shall perform a minimum of patrols in each Affiliated Club where they hold Reserve Active Membership, as required by SLSA and further patrol duties at the discretion of the Affiliated Club/s management. Reserve Active Members shall complete the annual proficiency test.
ii. Note: Reserve Active membership may be granted under exceptional circumstances to Active Members irrespective of years of service.
Award Member
May be granted by a Club to persons over the age of 13 years who hold an SLSA award of one, or more, of the following qualifications:- Surf Rescue Certificate, Radio award/s, Resuscitation Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Certificate, First Aid Certificate (or equivalent), or UAV pilot (who must be over the age of 16 years). Such Members may be called upon to perform patrol and/or other club obligations within the ability of their qualifications. An Affiliated Club may grant an Award Member voting rights to that Affiliated Club if they are undertaking lifesaving patrol duties.
Community Member
May be granted by a Club to persons not directly participating in lifesaving activities. This may cover social or volunteer activities. These members shall have no voting rights or access to other benefits such as coverage under the SLSA insurance policy or any insurance coverage via the Workers Compensation act. They do not have access to any club facilities including club showers and toilets, or gym.
Associate Member
May be granted by a Club to persons who may or may not hold an SLSA award. Associate Members shall not have Affiliated Club voting rights unless elected to office or position, which is provided with voting. Associate members must be over 35 years of age.
Probationary Member
Shall be the designation of any person for the time period between applying for membership and the gaining of an award and/or the granting of a formal category membership by the appropriate Affiliated Club committee. Note: Probationary members are not Individual Members for the purposes of clauses 10 and 13 of the SLSA Constitution.
General Member
May be granted by a Club to persons who may or may not hold an SLSA award. General Members shall not have Affiliated Club voting rights unless elected to office or position which is provided with voting rights by the relevant Club constitution.
Leave Restricted
May be granted by a Club to members requesting absence away from their club and club duties for a period of time (eg deployment, work, pregnancy, travel etc).
Nipper Parent
Shall be a member who is a nipper parent or guardian who holds no other awards that would deem them to be in the Active or Award category.
Honorary and Service Membership
Long Service
May be granted by a Club to Members who have completed ten (10) years active service or to Members who have completed eight (8) years active service plus four (4) years reserve active service. Such Members may be exempted from all patrol obligations and may be granted other special privileges of Membership as provided in their Club constitutions. Should such Members join another Affiliated Club the receiving Affiliated Club shall determine if such Member's Long Service shall be recognised by that Affiliated Club.
Past Active Member
May be granted by an Affiliated Club to persons who have held an SLSA Bronze Medallion and been an active patrol member for a minimum of three (3) years. Past Active Members may have Club voting rights at the discretion of the Affiliated Club.
Honorary Member
May be granted by a Club to persons who may or may not hold on SLSA award.
Life Member
May be granted by the member’s Club to Members who have rendered distinguished, or special service as provided for in that Affiliated Club's constitution and is relevant to that Club only.