Avoca Beach SLSC is committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People and dedicated to providing a safe environment for surf lifesaving. We recognise the importance of protecting young people from abuse, harm and exploitation. We follow the surf lifesaving Child Safe Policy.
All members have a responsibility to protect each other, especially children and young people.
Members interacting with children and young people are encouraged to undertake the Child Safe Awareness Online training program on the Surf Life Saving Australia website. Login to the members area to access the 15-20 minute course.
Reporting a concern
Reporting child safety concerns is an important way we keep children and young people safe. All club members have a responsibility to say something if they see or are aware of inappropriate behaviour. All concerns will be treated in confidence and with the utmost respect for all those involved.
Please contact club management, the MPIO or submit a child safe concern through the online report portal:
Visit https://complaints.sls.com.au/ and click on ‘Make a Child Safe Report’
Follow the question prompts, noting you may wish to remain anonymous
Click submit once finished. Your report will then be sent to Surf Life Saving Australia‘s Legal Counsel and Surf Life Saving NSW State Complaints Manager for action.
Working with Children Check
Avoca Beach SLSC members who work directly with children (under the age of 18) must complete a Working with Children Check (WWCC) unless their role is exempt under legislation. The requirements and exemptions are set out in the WWCC.
Information on the WWCC, requirements and exemptions are set out on the SLSA website.