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Rookie Camp 2024

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Leadership is a vital factor in the continued development of Australian communities. Surf Life Saving Central Coast (SLSCC) runs a Youth Development Program that is aimed at youth members within the U13 and U14 age groups with the potential to become a leader and have an interest in improving their surf club. 

They recently held their Annual Rookie Camp at Point Wolstoncroft Sport and Recreation Centre from 15-17 November. We had five of our wonderful Rookies attend. Here are some of their thoughts on the camp:


"Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Newcaslte Permanent Rookie Camp at Point Wolstoncroft. The camp was great, loads of fun. The activities were super fun and the facilitators were all great and really nice. We learnt some new qualities in leadership and found out about heaps of cool courses, careers and part-time jobs tied into surf life saving. All round, it was so much fun and I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the younger age groups headed into the 13's and 14's."


"Hi, I am Alex Hall, and I went on the rookie camp on the 15-17 of November. It was a great weekend, and I would encourage the under 12s and under 13s to go next year. We got to do activities such as kayaking, raft building and archery. It is also a great opportunity to meet people, as some do not go to carnivals. The leadership part was great too! We learnt things like goal setting, different types of leadership, and we learnt about jobs in Surf Life Saving and all the different awards that you can get. A great experience and I would do a camp like that again."


"Overall I think that rookie camp was a fun and memorable experience. It gave me a chance to catch up with friends and do activities I wouldn't normally. It was a good learning opportunity and unique experience."


"Thank you very much to the Avoca Beach Surf Club for sending me on the Rookie Camp this year as I very much enjoyed it. I think that the club should continue supporting rookies to attend the camp as they not just learn about leadership and more about lifeguarding skills, but also continue to build friendships with other rookies from other clubs.

At the camp I learned about the importance of leadership and how to direct others as a healthy leader. We did an activity about communicating with others, we had to get to the other side of the obstacle and I found that I could trust my teammates very well and much easier as my communication got better. I loved the activity when we got to build our own rafts, because I got to connect with other members from different clubs and learn more about teamwork and test out our amazing raft, which we were all happy that it worked when we floated on the lake.

I really enjoyed myself and I will always have fantastic memories of my time at rookie camp."

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